Fire Department Overview
The Mount Vernon Fire Department was established in 1849. The first paid firefighters were appointed in 1891. Initially, there were three fire stations located at the intersection of Mansfield Avenue and Curtis Street, on West Vine Street between Mechanic Street and West Street, and on North Gay Street between the Methodist and Episcopal churches. In 1914, the City closed two of the stations and concentrated its equipment and workforce to the Gay Street location. The fire department was moved to the Northeast corner of Public Square in 1918 so that better access to the entire city could be obtained.
In the late 1950’s it became apparent that the facility on Public Square was no longer sufficient to house the fire department. Plans were implemented to build a new station. In 1965, the fire department was relocated to 207 West Ohio Avenue into a building that was once a boat sales agency. The building was heavily damaged in the flood of 1959, but updates were made and the facility was repaired so that it could house the apparatus and manpower.
With the railroad traffic that was prevalent at the time, a second fire station was needed in the South end of the City. The Elmwood fire station was built on Ames Street in 1967. The fire department operated out of these two buildings until 2000 when the new facility located at 200 West Gambier Street was completed and able to be utilized.
Today, the Mount Vernon Fire Department employs 40 people housed at the West Gambier Street location. The department offers fire suppression, emergency medical care, fire prevention, and public information services to the citizens of Mount Vernon.
From the Chief’s Desk
The Mount Vernon Fire Department (MVFD) is responsible for providing Fire and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) coverage not only to the City of Mount Vernon, but also Liberty Twp, Clinton Twp, Pleasant Twp, ½ Morris Twp and College Twp. MVFD also contracts with the Mount Vernon Developmental Center (MVDC) and the Knox County Airport to provide emergency services. MVFD has a total coverage area of 82 sq miles.
The Mount Vernon Fire Department responded to 6,017 emergency incidents in 2023. Within the City of Mount Vernon we responded to 4,560 incidents. The average National Response Time for fire incidents is 7 minutes 6 seconds and for EMS incidents is 7 minutes. MVFD’s average response time in 2023 was 6 minutes 36 seconds. It is said that in EMS ‘time is life’ and in fire ‘time is property loss’. We are always looking to improve our response times. One way to improve our response times is an additional station and the location of that station. A study was completed in 2020, which revealed that the ideal location for an additional station would be on the east side of Mount Vernon. Zone 3 that covers the east side of the city accounted for 51% of the total number of emergency calls within the city. Land acquisition is being finalized on the corner of Upper Gilchrist Rd and Yauger Road for our east side fire/EMS station. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) accounted for 87% or 5,235 while fire accounted for 13% or 782 of the total emergency incidents. Of the 5,235 EMS incidents, 3,979 were billable transports that generated $1,398,229.00 to support the general fund.
The main station received multiple facelifts to the building in 2023. The interior baseboards, exterior fascia and the bay doors all received fresh coats of paint. Shrubbery was removed and landscape rocks were added around the patio. Our parking lot on the south side of the building was repaved. Thanks to funds received from the 2022 Assistance to Firefighters Grant, we installed a new Vehicle Exhaust System at Station 491 and made updates to the system at Station 492. Also added at Station 492 were three new bunk rooms.
In addition to receiving the Vehicle Exhaust System, MVFD was also awarded and received new hoses and appliances as part of the 2022 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. Although awarded in 2022, the 2021 SAFER Grant performance period began in 2023 and we were able to hire three new full time firefighters, ultimately leading to an increase in our minimum staffing level. MVFD also received a new Thermal Imaging Camera as a result of an awarded grant through the local Baldwin Shrine club. Rounding out the grants for 2023, we were awarded funds through the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Division of EMS, 2023 Priority One Grant allowing us to purchase a new McGrath Video Laryngoscope.
We continue to see success with the part-time program. By the end of 2023, we had 12 active part-time employees. Throughout 2023, four of our part-time employees were hired full-time. Since the start of the part-time program in 2021, eight part-time employees have been hired as full-time employees.
Looking ahead to 2024, we plan to begin implementing recommendations received at the completion of the Ohio Fire Chiefs Organizational Assessment. We will focus on furthering our officer development training with Blue Card Incident Command training, as well as Incident Safety Officer training. It is our intent to invite more training instructors from outside agencies to provide us with up-to-date training. We also anticipate moving forward with obtaining architectural development plans for the east side Fire/EMS station.
Our guiding principle for 2024 is “Everything Matters or Nothing Matters”. Everything we do, from the small tasks to the large tasks, plays a role in our safety, wellbeing and the service to our community.
Chief Chad Christopher